
A training zone is a range of exertion that defines the upper and lower limits of training intensities. It determines a set intensity for athletes to work at during an activity. Zones are defined by pulse, power (in watts), or even pace.

You can calculate your training zones based on heart rate (maximum or Aerobic/Anaerobic - lactate AT/FTP threshold) or power (maximum or AT/FTP threshold). If you already know your zone data because you have performed a lab test, enter it manually at the bottom of this page.

2PEAK Performance tests:
MP Test
Test with powermeter

A reliable but simple method to determine your heart rate or power threshold is to perform a short time trial of at least 20 to max. 30 minutes. The average obtained in power and heart rate will indicate your threshold with good reliability.

2PEAK will use the entered zones to draw up training plans and to analyse subsequently loaded workouts.

Blog article: Automatic Cycling Power Zones

Calculate new training zones
based on Pulse:

for BPMMax    for threshold (FTP)

based on Power:

for MP (a simple but effective power test presented in Menu » Goals » Performance Tests)
for threshold (FTP)

Cycling training plan | Triathlon training plan | Running training plan | Crosscountry ski training plan | Mountain bike training plan